Birds Beginning with I, J & K

UK Bird Species

Iceland Gull

iceland gull

Iceland Gulls are winter visitors to the UK, especially along the coasts. With their pale grey wings and white body, they’re typically found near fishing harbors where they scavenge for food. Though mainly Arctic breeders, they migrate south during the winter to escape harsher climates.

Icterine Warbler

A rare visitor to the UK, the Icterine Warbler is typically seen on the east coast during spring and autumn migrations. This small, greenish-yellow warbler breeds in mainland Europe and rarely makes it to British woodlands, where its melodious song sometimes surprises birdwatchers.

Jack Snipe

This small wader is a winter visitor to the UK, often found in wetlands, bogs, and marshy areas. Jack Snipes are elusive, relying on camouflage to stay hidden, and are known for their subtle “bobbing” behaviour. They migrate to the UK to escape the colder climates of northern Europe.



Widespread across the UK, the Jackdaw is a familiar sight in both rural and urban areas. Recognizable by its black and grey plumage and pale blue eyes, Jackdaws are sociable and highly intelligent birds, often forming flocks and nesting in chimneys, old buildings, and tree cavities.


jay bird

UK woodlands are home to the colourful Jay, noted for its pinkish-brown body and vibrant blue wing feathers. These birds play a key role in forest regeneration by burying acorns, which sometimes grow into oak trees. Jays are known for their loud, harsh calls and secretive nature.


Kestrels are a common sight across the UK’s open countryside, where they can be seen hovering while hunting small mammals. With rusty brown plumage and black speckles, kestrels are found year-round throughout the UK and are well adapted to farmlands, grasslands, and moorlands.



The UK’s rivers and lakes host striking blue-and-orange Kingfishers, although they can be elusive. Kingfishers hunt small fish by diving into the water, and are most often seen as a flash of colour. They’re territorial birds, preferring secluded areas with good perching spots near water.


Kittiwakes nest along the UK’s cliffs, notably in places like Bempton Cliffs in Yorkshire. With their black wingtips and distinctive call, they are a familiar seabird on British coasts in the breeding season, feeding on fish and invertebrates from the sea.


The Knot, a migratory shorebird, is often seen on UK mudflats and estuaries during the winter months. These birds are famous for their huge flocks, particularly in places like the Wash in East Anglia. They feed on small mollusks and crustaceans, and during spring, some acquire a reddish-brown breeding plumage.

Birds from Around the World

Ivory-billed Woodpecker

The Ivory-billed Woodpecker was once one of the largest and most striking woodpecker species, native to the dense forests of the southeastern United States and Cuba. Recognised by its black-and-white plumage, a long, down-curved bill, and distinctive white secondary feathers, this bird was believed to be extinct for many years due to habitat loss. Despite occasional unconfirmed sightings, the species remains one of the most elusive in ornithology.

Indian Vulture

The Indian Vulture, a large bird found across Southern Asia, is an important scavenger that plays a key role in the ecosystem. This medium-sized bird has pale brown patches, a featherless pink face mask, and a stocky body adapted for soaring high while searching for carrion.

Unfortunately, populations have dramatically declined due to poisoning from veterinary drugs, making it an endangered species.

Intermediate Egret


Another rare species is the Intermediate Egret, a graceful white heron found across East Africa, Central Asia, and parts of Southern Asia. With its thick yellow bill, white plumage, and long legs, this bird prefers wetlands and shallow waters, where it hunts small fish and amphibians. Though not commonly seen in the UK, it has been recorded as a rare vagrant.

Ivory Gull

The Ivory Gull is a rare visitor to the UK, primarily found in Arctic regions. With all-white plumage, this seabird is highly adapted to cold, icy environments and is often spotted scavenging around polar bear kills or feeding on fish. It is rarely seen outside its Arctic breeding grounds, making it a notable rarity when observed in the UK.

Indian Pond Heron

Although the Indian Pond Heron is common across South Asia, it is not a typical resident of the UK. It prefers wetlands, ponds, and marshes. With its small size and brownish plumage, this heron is often seen hunting for fish, amphibians, and insects. It may occasionally be spotted in the UK during migration, though it is not a regular visitor.

Indian Eagle Owl

The Indian Eagle Owl (also known as the Rock Eagle Owl) is native to the Indian subcontinent and is not found in the UK. This large owl, with its distinctive orange eyes and prominent ear tufts, prefers rocky scrub forests and is known for hunting small mammals and birds. It is one of the largest owls in Asia and, though not a UK resident, could be found in wildlife collections or zoos in the region.

Inca Dove

The Inca Dove is a small, graceful dove native to North and Central America, particularly in arid regions. In the UK, it is very unlikely to be seen in the wild, though it may occasionally appear as an escapee or in aviaries. The dove is known for its quiet, soft cooing and is characterised by pale brown plumage with distinctive dark markings.

Indigo-capped Hummingbird

The Indigo-capped Hummingbird is found in Central America, especially in mountainous areas. It is not found in the UK but may appear in captivity or bird sanctuaries. This hummingbird is small and brightly coloured, with a striking blue cap, greenish body, and a penchant for feeding on nectar from flowers.

Intermediate Egret

The Intermediate Egret is a white heron that can be found in Asia, Africa, and occasionally in southern Europe. While it is not a typical resident of the UK, it has been spotted on rare occasions during migration. It often feeds in shallow waters, hunting for fish and amphibians with its long, sharp bill.

Indigo Bunting

Among the smaller birds, the Indigo Bunting is a brightly coloured songbird found in Central America and Northern South America, particularly in the Western Great Lakes region. It is part of the cardinal bird family and is known for its deep blue plumage and melodious song.

Unlike many birds, Indigo Buntings navigate using the stars, making them fascinating subjects of migration studies.

Jungle Owlet

Native to forests in the Indian subcontinent, the Jungle Owlet is not found in the UK. This small, nocturnal owl is characterised by its brown and white streaked plumage, which provides excellent camouflage in the dense forests it inhabits. It preys on insects and small mammals. While it’s unlikely to be seen in the UK, it can be observed in aviaries or wildlife parks.

Japanese Thrush

The Japanese Thrush is native to Japan and eastern parts of Asia. It is a migratory species and can occasionally be seen in the UK during the winter months. This thrush is noted for its dark brown upper parts, pale underparts, and its sweet song. It typically forages for berries and insects in woodlands and gardens.


The Kea is a large, playful parrot found in the mountainous regions of New Zealand. It is not found in the wild in the UK, but it is occasionally housed in aviaries and wildlife reserves. The Kea is known for its intelligence, curiosity, and mischievous behaviour, often interacting with tourists and sometimes even dismantling equipment in search of food.

King Eider

The King Eider is a sea duck that breeds in the Arctic regions and migrates to more temperate coastal areas, including parts of the UK. This striking duck is easily identifiable by its colourful plumage, particularly the male’s orange and yellow bill and distinctive black-and-white body. It is often found in the cold waters of the North Sea during the winter months.