Birds Beginning with L
The sound of birdsong is such a wonderful part of nature, and across the UK, there are so many amazing bird songs to enjoy.
In our A-Z guide, we're listing all of the species in the UK, and other places too... today, we've fallen on L - and it's a good one today!
From the little to the long eared owl, we're sure that there's some species you'll recognise on this list.
UK Bird Species
Lady Amherst’s Pheasant

Originally introduced in 1828, these birds are no longer present in England, but at one time, there were around 100 to 200 pairs in Bedfordshire. These birds are native to southwestern China and Myanmar.
They are named after the lady who introduced the species to Britain; Lady Amherst.
Lapland Bunting
The Lapland Bunting spends breeding season in Scandinavia, Russia and North America, only spending winters in the UK.
It's one of the few buntings that breeds in the high Arctic; where males develop striking black and chestnut breeding plumage.

The Lapwing, also known as the Northern Lapwing, is a wader with iridescent green and purple plumage, a distinctive black crest, and a white belly.
Found across Europe and Asia, it migrates to Western Europe, including the UK, for the winter. Famous for its acrobatic flight displays, the Lapwing has seen population declines due to habitat loss. Its "pee-wit" call is a familiar sound in wetlands.
Leach’s Storm Petrel
A small seabird with sooty-brown plumage and a white rump, Leach’s Petrel breeds on remote islands in the North Atlantic and spends the rest of the year in tropical oceans.
They are strong fliers and use the Earth's magnetic field for navigation. Nocturnal at breeding sites, they are rarely seen inland unless blown off course by storms.
Lesser Black-backed Gull
This medium-sized gull has a dark grey back, white underparts, and yellow legs. Breeding in northern Europe, it migrates south to the Mediterranean and Africa in winter.

It has adapted well to urban environments and is often seen scavenging in cities.
Lesser Redpoll
A small finch with streaked brown plumage and a distinctive red forehead, the Lesser Redpoll is found in birch and alder woodlands across Europe.
Some populations migrate south in winter. They are highly social, often gathering in large flocks to feed on seeds.
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

The UK’s smallest woodpecker, this bird has black and white plumage, with males sporting a red crown. It prefers old woodlands and is often hard to spot as it stays high in the canopy. Unlike its larger relatives, it drums quietly and is declining in numbers.
Lesser Whitethroat
A small, elusive warbler with greyish-brown upper-parts and a white throat, it breeds in Europe and western Asia, migrating to Africa for the winter. Its call is a distinctive rattling sound, and it is often found in hedgerows and scrubby habitats.

The Linnet is a small finch with a slender body and a forked tail. Males develop a bright red forehead and breast during the breeding season.
Found across Europe and western Asia, some populations migrate south in winter. It is commonly associated with open countryside and hedgerows.
Little Egret

A small, elegant white heron with black legs and striking yellow feet, the Little Egret was once rare in the UK but has expanded its range due to climate change. Found in wetlands and estuaries, it hunts for fish and small invertebrates in shallow waters.
Little Grebe
Also known as the "dabchick," this small, round waterbird has a dark brown body, a short tail, and a fluffy appearance. Found across Europe, Africa, and Asia, it is a skilled diver, disappearing under the water to catch fish. Some populations migrate, while others remain resident.
Little Gull
The world's smallest gull, it has a pale grey back, white underparts, and a distinctive dark cap during the breeding season. Found in northern Europe, it migrates south for winter. Agile in flight, it feeds on insects caught mid-air.
Little Owl

A small, stocky owl with speckled brown plumage and large yellow eyes, the Little Owl is a daytime hunter. Introduced to the UK in the 19th century, it thrives in farmland and open woodlands, often perching on fences and rooftops.
Little Ringed Plover
A small wader with sandy-brown upperparts, a white belly, and a distinctive yellow eye-ring, it breeds in Europe and migrates to Africa for winter. It prefers gravelly riverbanks and coastal areas.
Little Stint
One of the smallest wading birds, the Little Stint has a compact body, short legs, and a fine bill. Breeding in the Arctic tundra, it undertakes long migrations to winter in Africa and southern Asia.
Little Tern
The UK’s smallest tern, it has a white body, black cap, and yellow bill with a black tip. It breeds on sandy beaches and migrates to Africa in winter. Its graceful flight and sharp dives make it a fascinating bird to watch.
Long-eared Owl

A medium-sized owl with long ear tufts and mottled brown plumage, it breeds in woodlands across Europe and Asia. Some populations migrate to warmer areas in winter. They are known for their eerie calls and roost communally.
Long-tailed Duck
A striking sea duck with a long, elegant tail, the Long-tailed Duck breeds in the Arctic and winters along northern European coasts. They are exceptional divers, reaching depths of up to 60 meters.
Long-tailed Tit
A tiny, fluffy songbird with a long tail and pinkish underparts, the Long-tailed Tit is a social species that moves in small flocks. Found across Europe and Asia, they are non-migratory and build intricate nests with moss and spider silk.
Other Birds That Start with L Across the Globe
Lesser Yellow Headed Vulture
A scavenger found in Central and South America, this vulture has a bright yellow head and dark plumage. Unlike most birds, it has an exceptional sense of smell to detect carrion.
Laughing Kookaburra
A large kingfisher native to Australia, it has brown and white plumage and a large, robust bill. Famous for its loud, human-like laughing call, it is a symbol of the Australian bush.
Lesser Antillean Flycatcher
A small, insect-eating bird native to the Caribbean, it has brown plumage with a pale underside. It darts from perches to catch flying insects.
Lesser Ground Cuckoo
Found in Central America, this cuckoo has striking green and brown plumage with a bright blue eye-ring. It is known for its loud, melodic call.
Large Grey Babbler
The Large Grey Babbler is a sociable bird found in dry scrub lands and open forests across the Indian subcontinent. As its name suggests, it has predominantly grey plumage with a slightly lighter underside, yellow eyes, and a long tail tipped with white. These birds are highly gregarious, moving in noisy flocks and constantly chattering as they forage for insects, seeds, and small fruits. Non-migratory, they are common in their range and easily recognisable by their loud, repetitive calls.
Laughing Gull
This medium-sized gull is native to Northern South America, commonly found along coastlines, estuaries, and inland waterways. It has a distinctive black head (in breeding plumage), white underparts, and grey wings with black tips. Its most notable feature is its loud, laughing-like call, which gives the species its name. Laughing Gulls are migratory, breeding in North America and moving south to Central and South America during winter. Opportunistic feeders, they scavenge for fish, insects, and human food scraps.
Large Hawk Cuckoo
This species is a medium-sized cuckoo found in forests across South and Southeast Asia. It has grey-brown upper-parts, a streaked breast, and a yellow eye-ring, resembling a small hawk in appearance - hence its name. Like many cuckoos, it is a brood parasite, laying its eggs in the nests of other birds such as drongos and babblers. Some populations migrate to lower altitudes in winter. Its call is a loud, repeated whistle that sounds like "brain fever," earning it the nickname "Brainfever Bird" in parts of India.
Letter Winged Kite
This rare and elusive bird of prey is native to Australia, primarily found in remote arid regions. It has pale grey plumage, black wing markings, and striking red eyes. Named for the distinctive black "letter M" pattern visible in flight, the Letter-winged Kite is the only nocturnal kite species in the world. It is highly nomadic, moving in response to rodent populations, its primary food source. Unlike most raptors, it is relatively silent and hunts by hovering before swooping down on prey.